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JUNE 2014


30 NOVEMBER 2012

Divertimento Ensemble and its artistic director
Sandro Gorli are pleased to announce the third
edition of the “Franco Donatoni” International
Meeting for Young Composers, which will be held in
Milan in the first two weeks of June 2014.
Applications to take part in the Meeting can be
submitted by composers born after 1st January 1977;
nationals of any country can apply by sending one or
more scores for an ensemble of between 5 and 12
musicians, to be received by 30th November 2012.
By 15th February 2013 an international jury of five
composers (Beat Furrer, Sandro Gorli, Michael Jarrell,
Bruno Mantovani, Alessandro Solbiati) will select three
compositions to be performed in Milan during the
Rondò 2013 season. The three winning composers will
be then commissioned to create a chamber
composition (for seven musicians, one or two dancers
and live electronics). The three original works will be
performed during the third edition of the “Franco
Donatoni” International Meeting for Young Composers,

as part of the Rondò 2014 season.
The selected composers - who will have delivered the
score and the parts within the date specified in the
regulation - will stay in Milan for the entire period of
the rehearsals and will work in close contact with the
musicians of the Divertimento Ensemble.


The activities of Divertimento Ensemble with the support of

are supported by
with the support of the Culture Programme
of the European Union


1. Composers of any nationality, born after 1st
January 1977 are eligible for selection for the
“Franco Donatoni” International Meeting for
Young Composers. Those participating in the
application process can submit one or more
compositions for an ensemble of between 5
and 12 performers. Five copies of each
composition should be sent.

2. Divertimento Ensemble should receive all
scores by 30th November 2012 at the
following address: Via Poggi 7, 20131 Milano,
Italy. Each score must have an attached
filled-in application form (available on
natoni2014_eng.pdf), a copy of an ID
document that proves the applicant’s birth
date, as well as a receipt for the 50 euro
enrollment fee (for each score sent). The
receipt must list the Divertimento Ensemble’s
bank account: Banca Intesa San Paolo, IBAN
IT44H0306909509000018689145, BIC/SWIFT
3. Original scores and scores that have
already been published and/or performed are
equally eligible. They should not be
anonymous. If possible, they should be
accompanied with a CD of the performance.
4. An international jury of five composers
(Beat Furrer, Sandro Gorli, Michael Jarrell,
Bruno Mantovani, Alessandro Solbiati) will
select by 15 February 2013 the three
composers who will be invited to take part in
the International Meeting. The selected
composers will be personally informed, and
the selection will also be published on the
Divertimento Ensemble website by 16
February 2013.
5. The three chosen scores will be performed
during the Rondò 2013 season in Milan.
6. Each of the three selected composers,
whose work will be performed during the
Rondò 2013 season, will be invited to write a
15 minutes chamber composition for an
ensemble of at most 7 musicians (flute, oboe,
clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, cello), one or
two dancers and live electronics (ad libitum).
7. The score and the parts must be delivered
by 30 November 2013.
8. The three works will be performed in June
2014 in Milan during the third edition of the
“Franco Donatoni” International Meeting for
Young Composers, as part of the Rondò 2014

9. The three composers will take part in the
rehearsals run by the Divertimento Ensemble,
working in close contact with the musicians,
the conductor and the dancers.
10. The three composers, if they come to
Milano and attend the rehearsals, will be
entitled to a reimbursement of € 1,000. Travel
costs will be met by them.
11. Application for participation in the
International Meeting imply the unconditional
acceptance of these rules. Any dispute will be
resolved exclusively by the Tribunal of Milan.
For information:

Divertimento Ensemble
via Poggi 7 - 20131 Milano
tel +39 02 49434973,
cell +39 334 1732400

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Este espacio está destinado a crear un contacto entre instrumentistas que quieran tocar y compositores que tengan posibilidades de presentar sus obras y requieran músicos para ejecutarlas. Para hacer realidad este vínculo hemos creado este blog donde pueden registrarse instrumentistas (en la lista de jovenes músicos), y compositores (en la lista de compositores argentinos) . Asimismo, estos últimos pueden subir sus obras (partitura y/o grabación) para que los interesados las conozcan y se promueva la ejecución de las mismas.
Para subir sus obras envíenlas a compositoresargentinos@yahoo.com.ar y serán subidas a la brevedad.
Recomendamos a todos los creativos registrar sus obras antes de subirlas a la red.


En el Registro Nacional del Derecho de Autor se registran varias cosas, no solamente obras musicales(por ej también se registran, pinturas, esculturas, coreografías, programas de TV, software etc.), pero en lo que hace a nuestra actividad musical lo que nos interesa es para qué registrar una obra y cómo se hace?.
Que es lo que se registra? . Se registra la Obra Musical en general, que puede comprender música y letra o música solamente , o letra solamente.
Donde se hace? en SADAIC. sito en Lavalle 1547 de la ciudad de Bs As o en delegaciones del interior del país . En La Plata hay una delegación en calle 11 nº 1074.El trámite es personal y se hace con un formulario A (10 pesos) si se registra Música ó Letra, y en un formulario B (16 pesos) si se registra Música y Letra.
Como es el trámite? El trámite es personal y se debe presentar el formulario que allí se compra completo junto con una copia de la obra en sobre cerrado y lacrado. En el cierre del sobre debe firmar el autor. . En el caso que sean varios autores todos deben firmar el sobre y el formulario.La protección que otorga este trámite es válida por tres años. Luego de transcurrido este tiempo puede renovarse el registro. Para proceder a la renovación en lugar de copia de la obra, debe presentarse el certificado de inscripción otorgado oportunamente.La duración del trámite es de 48 hs.

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Juan Pablo
