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Call for Applications for the 6th International Composition Seminar

»Past, present and future are, as you know, bound to the procedure of
successiveness merely by their appearance as cosmic time. In our cognitive
reality, however, this succession does not exist, possessing a truer reality
than the well-acquainted clock, which basically indicates nothing else
then the fact that there is no presence in a strict sense. Time bends itself
into a spherical shape. From within this notion, […] I developed my […]
pluralistic compositional technique, which takes the multiple layers of our
reality into account.«

(Bernd Alois Zimmermann, 1918-1970)

Music and Time is the theme of IEMA’s next International Composition Seminar,
which – directed by the Ensemble Modern and the composer and conductor Johannes Kalitzke

– will then be taking place for the sixth time in 2013.
In Europe, the seminar is still unique in its bipartite structure:

In a first »try-out« phase, the compositional ideas, developed for the seminar, sound concepts
and technical approaches will receive two days of rehearsal and discussion together with
Ensemble Modern and one day together with both Ensemble Modern and
hr-Sinfonieorchester. Intensive work sessions will offer the explicit opportunity, to rehearse
only parts of the newly developed or still nascent compositional ideas or sound visions.

In the second phase, ideas and insights gained during the first phase are incorporated in the
new pieces; the works are completed. After a rehearsal phase that also leaves room for
exchange and discussions, the new works see their premiere.

The International Composition Seminar 2013 and its two final concerts are integrated into the
second edition of the festival cresc… Biennale für Moderne Musik which takes place between
21st and 24th November 2013 in Frankfurt and Darmstadt.
Through the cooperation with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, hr-Sinfonieorchester,
the International Composition Seminar will again be giving the opportunity to work together
with a large orchestra.
The seminar will be offering 4 assignments of works for ensemble and 2 assignments of works
for orchestra and ensemble.

The guiding theme is connected to the festival theme of cresc… 2013. Under the topic »Music
and Time«, the work and mindscape of composer Bernd Alois Zimmermann are brought into
focus and contrasted with current approaches to the topic.

The festival is a joint undertaking of the partners Ensemble Modern, Hessischer Rundfunk, Alte
Oper, Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt, Institute of Contemporary Music at the
Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts and Staatstheater Darmstadt.

Composers interested in this project are invited to participate.

Project periods:

15th – 17th February 2013
17th – 25th November 2013

(compulsory attendance without exception)

1st Phase: 15th – 17th February 2013 in Frankfurt
In this first of two phases, the compositions and ideas developed during the seminar will
receive two days of rehearsal and discussion together with Ensemble Modern and one
day together with both Ensemble Modern and hr-Sinfonieorchester. Intensive work
sessions will offer the explicit opportunity, to rehearse only parts of the newly developed
or still nascent compositional ideas or sound visions.

2nd Phase: 17 th – 24 th November 2013 in Frankfurt and Darmstadt
Ideas and insights gained during the first phase can be included into the pieces and the
material is completed before for the second phase (until 1st October 2013). This rehearsal
phase that also leaves room for exchange and discussions, will result in concerts during
the festival cresc... (21 th -24th November 2013).

Final concerts:

21th – 24th November 2013 during the festival »cresc… Biennale für Moderne Musik Frankfurt
Rhein Main«, to be recorded by hr2-kultur.

Age limit:

approx. 35 years

Closing date for entries:

9th September 2012

Notification of results:

Until 1st October 2012. Following the nomination of participants and the assignment of the
compositions for ensemble or orchestra plus ensemble, all participants will be informed about
the exact instrumentation and other relevant conditions.

IEMA covers: travel (within Europe) and accommodation in Frankfurt

Application documents:

Detailed CV, 1-2 scores (also as PDF if available), not older than 2 years, one work for ensemble,
optionally one score for orchestra, optionally recordings (CD or digital), a short text regarding
your compositional ideas on »Music and Time«.

Please send your documents to:
Internationales Kompositionsseminar
c/o Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie
Schwedlerstraße 2-4
60314 Frankfurt

email: akademie@ensemble-modern.com

Application documents cannot be returned.

Contact and further Information:

Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie
Christiane Engelbrecht
email: engelbrecht@ensemble-modern.com
cresc... Biennale für Moderne Musik
Gesine Otto
email: otto@ensemble-modern.com

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Este espacio está destinado a crear un contacto entre instrumentistas que quieran tocar y compositores que tengan posibilidades de presentar sus obras y requieran músicos para ejecutarlas. Para hacer realidad este vínculo hemos creado este blog donde pueden registrarse instrumentistas (en la lista de jovenes músicos), y compositores (en la lista de compositores argentinos) . Asimismo, estos últimos pueden subir sus obras (partitura y/o grabación) para que los interesados las conozcan y se promueva la ejecución de las mismas.
Para subir sus obras envíenlas a compositoresargentinos@yahoo.com.ar y serán subidas a la brevedad.
Recomendamos a todos los creativos registrar sus obras antes de subirlas a la red.


En el Registro Nacional del Derecho de Autor se registran varias cosas, no solamente obras musicales(por ej también se registran, pinturas, esculturas, coreografías, programas de TV, software etc.), pero en lo que hace a nuestra actividad musical lo que nos interesa es para qué registrar una obra y cómo se hace?.
Que es lo que se registra? . Se registra la Obra Musical en general, que puede comprender música y letra o música solamente , o letra solamente.
Donde se hace? en SADAIC. sito en Lavalle 1547 de la ciudad de Bs As o en delegaciones del interior del país . En La Plata hay una delegación en calle 11 nº 1074.El trámite es personal y se hace con un formulario A (10 pesos) si se registra Música ó Letra, y en un formulario B (16 pesos) si se registra Música y Letra.
Como es el trámite? El trámite es personal y se debe presentar el formulario que allí se compra completo junto con una copia de la obra en sobre cerrado y lacrado. En el cierre del sobre debe firmar el autor. . En el caso que sean varios autores todos deben firmar el sobre y el formulario.La protección que otorga este trámite es válida por tres años. Luego de transcurrido este tiempo puede renovarse el registro. Para proceder a la renovación en lugar de copia de la obra, debe presentarse el certificado de inscripción otorgado oportunamente.La duración del trámite es de 48 hs.

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Juan Pablo
